180 Sports

Launched a website, social media accounts, and provide bookkeeping. I also currently post daily/weekly on their social media accounts as well write grants. Over the last year I have won $15,000 in grants.

Stealing Hearts Rescue

Developed a website from scratch with appropriate SEO for getting dogs rescued. Have raised over $100,000 in grants over 3 years. Provide bookkeeping services and reconciling for end of month and end of year.

North Phoenix Pool Service

Website design, domain transferring, and Bookkeeping. I took their books and cleaned them up while reconciling for them. I also changed their SEO to help customers find them easier.


  • North Phoenix Pool Service

    Created a website designed with their needs in mind. Proivde Quickbooks Bookkeeping. Since Feb. 2024.

  • 180 Sports

    Created a website, socal media platforms and QuickBooks. Currently bookkeeping, creating content, grant writing, and helping with social media and fundraising. Since January 2023.

  • Youth For Troops

    Bookkeeping services and grant writing. Provide consulting services for their non-profit. Since June 2023.

  • Stealing Hearts Rescue

    SHR is my longest client. From building a website, grant writing, and bookkeeping. They have been a client since 2016

  • Aidant Fire and Security

    Provide all marketing materials, social media content, and community events. Created the website and currently post on all social media platforms. Since April 2023.

  • Freed Spirits Animal Rescue

    Built their website and currently help with any updates needed for the website. Since 2019.

  • Photography by Brooklyn

    Consulted with SEO and website. Created a logo that as both cute and would stand out from other photographers. Since June 2024.